Open Equal Free provides news, resources, networking opportunities, training, and more to educators around the world, but we couldn’t do it without your support. Don’t forget to Get Involved!

Teachbuzz is  the world’s best collection of lesson plans designed with the whole world in mind. Teachbuzz was created with a global perspective, which means that no cost lessons are truly no cost, whether you’re teaching in an African village or a European metropolis.

Designed by teachers, the lessons are searchable based on the criteria most important to them. Find the lessons most suited to your needs, whether economical or pedagogical, quickly and easily.

We are in the business of increasing impact without increasing cost. We help organizations be the best they can be and share their greatness with others, often for free. Let’s work together! We offer trainings, consultancy, and resource development that is designed to improve the work you do without increasing your budget.

Remember, an important part of our work is that everything we help to create is made available under open content licensing. You can read about the licenses available, and the one we recommend, here.

Keeping up-to-date is vital in any profession. Open Equal Free has an education news team reporting from and about developing countries around the globe.  Find breaking education news, teaching tips, resources, and inspirations at

Meet. Greet. Save the World.

Our newest program, /Collaboration, is a collection of resources that help champions of development get in touch, stay in touch, and do their work more effectively. It includes Forums to ask tough questions and get great advice, a Wiki with local programs and services to help new comers get acquainted with the field, and, in select locations, regular meetings for aid workers to chat, share ideas, and give support.

Targeted Giving

Interested in supporting the great work Open Equal Free does? See ways you can direct your money to have big impact with our Targeted Giving page, or see options to make small donations go a long way with our Donations page.