South Korea Donates 600 Computers to Students in Gaza


The Gaza Strip received a generous gift of over several hundred computers from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Over 600 computers were donated to Palestinian refugee students. These computers will immediately benefit some 30,000 pupils and provide them with computer training and access to online education.

Over time, the computers will meet the needs of a total of 220,000 students in 243 UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) schools. These include grades one through nine. Most of these UNRWA schools suffer from overcrowding . However the new computers now bring an alternative method of learning. It uses computer games to teach mathematics and Arabic.

“It is a fitting gift from one of the world’s most technologically advanced nations, and as we move forward to build on this donation, I hope that we can continue to deepen and develop our relationship with South Korea, as well as deliver quality education to the next generation in Gaza,” said Scott Anderson, the deputy director of the UNRWA operations in Gaza.

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Written by Sera Yoo
Sera YooSouth Korea Donates 600 Computers to Students in Gaza