Learn to Code for Free!

Codeacademy is an exciting new startup designed to teach absolute beginners how to code. It’s based on a simple model that has users learn by doing from the very beginning. From the mouth of the horse:

Codecademy was created out of the frustrations Zach and Ryan felt with learning how to program. Tired with less effective text and video resources, Ryan and Zach teamed up to create Codecademy, a better, more interactive way to learn programming by actually coding. This is just the beginning. Join us as we make it easy for everyone to love and learn how to code.

HTML CodeOne facet that makes this site particularly exciting is the language it teaches. There are many programs out there to learn many coding languages, but this one teaches Javascript, one of the more exciting and less often tutorialed programs on the web.

If you like to start easy and learn by doing, then this is the tutorial for you. Starting at the home page you begin to build your knowledge of Javascript by entering your name and having a command line run basic programs (it tells you the length of your name and does some simple math). From there, you slowly build your understanding of the language piece by piece, presumably until you are a Javascript master.

Very exciting indeed.

Creative Commons Love: Marjan Kreblelji on flickr.com

Written by Michael Jones