Free and Awesome Online Graphing Calculator!

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If you’re not a math nerd, you may be surprised to learn that great free solutions for replacing that old TI-82 is actually news. Well, it is. Up until now, if you wanted to access the magic of a graphing calculator you pretty much had to buy it (and pretty much only from Texas Instruments) starting around $55 and going up from there surprisingly quickly.

Until now. (Now here: Desmos) provides a powerful online graphing calculator for absolutely free. It even has a catchy opener, “If math is the universal language, the calculator is our interpreter—and it hasn’t improved in 20 years. Until now.”

If you’re the kind of person to be excited about a graphing calculator,  you may also delight in the fact that it’s been updated to HTML-5, allows you to log-in and create personal libraries you can share with your fellow math nerds, and you can access it from anything with a web browser. Yep, you’re smart phone just got even more useful.

Creative Commons Love: rbbaird on


Written by Michael Jones