
Teach for Bulgaria Takes Off

Teach for Bulgaria is an initiative that aims to provide better education in troubled schools and poor communities throughout the eastern European nation.  Organizers search for skilled and talented young university grads to share their new ideas and energy in the school system as teachers.  The program is making strides to stop the slow demise of the teaching profession as the average age of Bulgarian teachers continues to go up.

The first batch of Teach for Bulgaria’s educators are committed to being in the classroom the next two years.  The group consists of 22 people chosen from 375 candidates.  The selection process begins with an online app and phone interview.  Those who make it to the next step go through a six-hour assessment in which they give a lesson, solve problems, work in teams and meet the selection committee.

We’re encouraged by what one Teach for Bulgaria organizer said,

“We don’t want people who are just looking for a job. We want people who are determined to teach in troubled schools and regions so the students there can get an education that’s as good as their peers in good schools.”

Teach for Bulgaria is funded by the U.S. government-backed America for Bulgaria Foundation.

We Don't Need No Education

Creative Commons Love: Dewfall and on Flickr.com

Written by Travis Thompson