Rainbow Bridge is a community education center situated in Batticaloa, on the East coast of the island of Sri lanka.
Sri Lanka is an island racked with the consequences of a 30 year long civil war, which caused a rift between the two main ethnic groups. Education became secondary to warfare, and many young people’s educational development was interrupted.
But peacetime has brought with it many new opportunities for learning from a dedicated group of empathetic educators, both native and expatriate, who are seeking to make up for lost time and give extra classes to children living in areas previously agitated by the conflict.
Rainbow Bridge is a small and unassuming building with a a big and heartwarming mission, which is to bridge gaps between the different factions of Sri Lankan society with education at the heart of it’s mandate. The center offers courses for all levels and age groups in English Language, attracting students due to the increase in tourism in the area. Students are for the first time being confronted by tourists who flock to the area to enjoy it’s beautiful beaches. They therefore see job opportunities within the growing tourism industry, and realize that English Language acquisition is the first step necessary.
The school attracts a number of international volunteers who work as teachers and business developers to try and increase enrollment and contribute to the overall educational effort. Volunteers offer the relatively sheltered community an insight into their country and culture, and design lessons which open students minds and broaden their intellectual horizons.
Creative Commons Love: Photo by Ashleigh Brown
Written by Ashleigh Brown